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Ed,  first off, can you make the distinction here between whether you are
responding as Ed Fishel who happens to work for IBM and Ed Fishel
responding -for- IBM.

> IBM agreements prohibit customers from activating, or allowing a third
> party product to activate, built in capacity without authorization from and
> payment to IBM.

Do you really mean "activate beyond the purchased capacity"?

Will IBM be changing this document:

To quote one of the paragraphs:
"On a server or custom server model, there are two CPW values. The larger value
represents the maximum workload the model could support if the workload were
entirely client/server (for example, no interactive components). The smaller CPW
value represents the maximum workload the model could support if the workload
were entirely interactive. These values are not additive. Interactive processing
reduces the client/server processing capability of the system."

I notice the usage of the word "could" which tends to reinforce IBM's prior
stance that the limitation on interactive CPW was a hardware issue, thus the
need for an Interactive processor card to help the server service interactive
jobs.  IBM has always maintained previously that CFINT was NOT a governor but a
technical necessity to give a server model the ability to service an interactive

Has the Fast400 program now forced IBM to publicly admit that the interactive
CPW is limited by an artifical governor which can be officially raised only by
the purchase of a hardware card that really doesn't do any processing but tells
the system the new interactive workload knee?


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