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>I find it interesting that a number of you have raised exactly the same
>concerns I had -- licensing issues, legal issues, and support.  I also
>expect IBM to create a HIPER PTF to stop this.  I would also expect them to
>issue a cease and desist notice to the marketing company.  Why?  ....

>There is one concern that hasn't yet been raised.  If you do choose to
>install this tool and it releases the full potential of the server system
>what happens then?   ....

>I think any IT manager who actually installs this on a production system
>without IBMs blessing is about to embark on a naked slide down a 40 foot
>razor blade.

This is what I was alluding to when I said:

  "Running a system where performance relies on an undocumented hack and which
is clearly against IBM's intentions is walking on thin ice in my book."

I just didn't spell it out like you did, and then changed topics in the same
paragraph (a bad idea) and went on to talk about Tiger Tool's potential for
legal costs -- even if they win.


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