× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


"Even if we moved to save while active we would still need to kick the
active users to get MRP to regen since shipping and purchasing cause
conflicts (we have a shipping department working 24x5 or 24x6).  If MRP
regen was allowed we end up with conflicts for allocation audits.  Anyway
you cut it there is a daily user impact to use the tools that Mapics
provides and we struggle to make the system operate.  (Infor are you
listening??  We live in a 24x7 world stop expecting a dedicated system for
any process!)"

Well said!   And it hits us too.  I spent the money for more DASD to do the
"Backup-to-Disk" option because my factory runs 24/6 (sometimes also hours
on Sunday), with inventory transactions happening all the time.  We don't
have anyone manually keying tickets except for on 1st shift, but they are
scanning transactions at all hours.  Plus, we have users on COM_Net at all
hours (our international customers like it for the information resources).
Now, we handle that by ending all the unattached jobs during backups.
Well, except for the COM_Net Receiver - that stays up, and the COM_Net
Updater goes on hold automatically during backups so as not to impact
backups - that's canned MAPICS.  But I do have a reasonable gap between 3am
and 330am when 3rd shift takes lunch break - but I have to get it all done
within the half-hour or it impacts the stockroom.  Waaaay too many
transactions processed quickly back there.

I wonder what companies do that have users in MRP Order Review/Release 24
hours?  Way to many conflicts there, too....

Dale Gindlesperger
IT Manager/Special Projects Leader
Fleetwood Folding Trailers, Inc.
258 Beacon Street
Somerset, PA  15501

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