× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


we've had this discussion last year, didn't we? reading the old thread and the follow on now, I'm not sure to understand your problem.
Following the ibm docs, I find:

Note: The QycdRenewCertificate API a is a multi-step process API.

The API is called the first time with format RNWC0100 to request a new public/private key pair and receive a certificate signing request based on an expiring certificate.
After the CSR has been sent to a certificate authority (CA) and an issued certificate has been received, the API is called a second time with format RNWC0200 to have the newly issued certificate imported into the system certificate store.
If an existing CSR is used when requesting a renewed certificate, then import the renewed certificate and maintain the same key pair using format RNWC0300.
what about the first two steps?

In your original code, setting up MNW300 (I don't use the very limited and ugly PCML stuff), I don't find setting the offset should be an 4 byte int containing 8; next 4 byte should contain the length of path and file name, followed by the path and file name. This is making up the first parm of the API call, second would be the length of the first parm (length of path and filename + 8), third parm 'RNWC0300', fourth parm an empty array of char with some bytes space (50 or 100) for error information coming back.


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