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Hi Joe Pluta,

Wednesday, August 29, 2007, 6:47:42 PM, you wrote:

Hi Rick! The toolbox support two distinct styles of file access. The first
is the standard SQL-oriented access of JDBC, which allows you to create a
cursor and then move through it, but repositioning randomly (especially
based on key) is not particularly easy. You can't, for example, create a
result set starting at a given key value and then position yourself
BACKWARDS one record (along the lines of a SETGT, READP).

Well, that answers one of my questions... That was exactly what I
hoped to be able to do...;)

The second technique is called Record Level Access, or RLA, and it basically
provides standard access to your files, by RRN for non-keyed files and by
key for keyed files. You can open a logical view and then position yourself
by key anywhere in the file exactly like a SETLL (well almost exactly; there
is a subtle difference on where the cursor gets positioned, but for most
purposes it works just the same).

I looked into this earlier and it seemed to be more difficult to set
up - creating all the fields and stuff. Or am I just seeing it that
way because I already have the statement/resultset stuff set up?
I wrote a course comparing the two a while back, but in general it's pretty
straightforward. You can find documentation on the standard JDBC stuff just
about anywhere; it's pretty much industry standard. IBM has documentation
on com.ibm.as400.access.KeyedFile and
for the RLA stuff.
Could I access this course? Thanks for the nudge - I guess I need to do it...

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