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On 12-Dec-2013 13:55 -0800, Steinmetz, Paul wrote:
So all I need is a PWRDWNSYS RESTART(*NO), all partitions.
Shutdown the service processor.
All firmware will now be activated.
Start the service processor.
Start all the partitions.
PTFs will apply on the way up.

Assuming the IPL is done in normal rather than manual mode, the IPL is done to the correct /side/, and the IPL is not deemed /abnormal/, then I expect the PTFs that were previously designated to be applied at IPL (*DELAYED) will apply as the system performs its Initial Program Load (IPL)... just the same as if those same assumptions were made for when using RESTART(*YES).

I am not at all aware of the noted FSP actions; i.e. with regard to stopping\starting the Service Processor to effect activation of the firmware changes. I was under the impression that merely performing the "Server IPL" [AFaIK AKA "Firmware IPL"] would cause the Firmware fixes to be activated; i.e. the Server IPL would allow the OS to get past its CPD35F8 "Server IPL required" condition, which is awaiting the the firmware updates.? And it seems there is only the requirement to "perform a server IPL to the temporary IPL source (T-side) to activate the changes to the server firmware".

Apparently to effect a "Server IPL" requires one to "power down all partitions at the same time." I infer that means, rather than implying they must all be powered down simultaneously, all secondary partitions must be powered down first, and then the primary partition [per being designated to "control the software level of the server firmware through the IBM i service partition" versus an HMC being the control] need only be /powered down/ at the point-in-time when the primary partition transitions from the PwrDwn to the IPL; i.e. no actual requirement to use the RESTART(*NO) on the primary partition, as long as the IPL Attribute Restart Type (RESTART) is set to *FULL to suggest that "All portions of the system, including the hardware, are restarted." *and* the T-side is designated for that IPL [as noted above]?

Ugh... maybe my confusion is that, what was meant instead of Service Processor in the quoted message, was to have said Service Partition.? That is, perhaps the following was meant? [noting: I switched the /activated/ until after the start]:

≥ So all I need is a PWRDWNSYS RESTART(*NO), all secondary partitions.
≥ Shutdown the Service Partition; i.e. the primary partition
≥ Start the Service Partition [to the T-Side]; i.e. start the primary partition with the front\control panel displaying: 01 B N V=F T
≥ All firmware will now be activated.
≥ Start all the secondary partitions; they can and may be configured to start automatically
≥ PTFs will apply on the way up.

If so, then I am under the impression that the second and third lines can be replaced with the following instructions:

≥ change the control panel to effect a FSP T-Side IPL and LIC B-side Normal IPL; i.e. the 01 B N V=F T noted above and in [copied from] the following archived message
≥ on the primary partition: PWRDWNSYS RESTART((*YES *FULL)) IPLSRC(B) /* or per prior change: IPLSRC(*PANEL) */

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