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HI John,
>  I'll agree that iSeries could use some branding - but TV
>adds are a far to scattered audience to be cost effective. 
>I just watched a weekend's worth of Dell commercials - all
>promoting low price PC's - as low as $499. This is mass
>marketing that is appropriate to the audience. Advertising
>iSeries at its price point to a TNT audience would be wasted
>effort. IMHO

End Snip.....
You may be right and the TV audience may not be there but why then does IBM 
bother to advertise other high-end servers on TV?  I think it is because CIO's 
and managers see
those TV ad's and IBM knows this.  If I were a I.S. manager/CIO I might assume 
that because
something is not being promoted it must be dated.  
Just a thought.

John Earl <john.earl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> John, I used to think much the same way you do, but lately
> I've been
> living more in the non-IBM world and it's become clear
> that LOTS of
> technical purchasing decisions are being made without a
> lot of technical
> input. Many times the iSeries doesn't make the first cut
> because nobody
> knows what one is. The fact that iSeries has ZERO name
> recognition
> actually puts it in an immediate catchup position against
> Dell, fer goshsakes.

I'll agree that iSeries could use some branding - but TV
adds are a far to scattered audience to be cost effective. 

I just watched a weekend's worth of Dell commercials - all
promoting low price PC's - as low as $499. This is mass
marketing that is appropriate to the audience. Advertising
iSeries at its price point to a TNT audience would be wasted
effort. IMHO


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