× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Hak, et al., if this was not meant for public consumption, I am glad it got out, nonetheless. I am glad for your forthright responses to our questions. Yet this response does not bode well for the promise that we will have all the functionality of CODE (and more!!!!) in RSE.

For all the 'weakness' of SEU and PDM, they are still tremendous tools, with capabilities that are still not found in either CODE or RSE. E.g., how do you search all members of MULTIPLE source files in either client? It's easy in PDM.

iSeries projects look like a nice organizational feature but they do not know how to deal with iSeries source members, not really. They treat them all as *.MBR files, IIRC, and do not link with CODE by source type - it's been awhile since I gave up on that direction.

You all in Toronto give us many good ideas on how to do things. But some seem like gee-whiz when I want the basic stuff as easy to do as it id in green screen methods - ye, there is a learning curve - but things are just not always so obvious.

In an enterprise as big as IBM and with the long history of S38/AS400/iSeries, it is easy for things to get lost - why was this or that done. Operations Navigator is an example of significant function lost because its developers did not have enough real-world input - at least that's what I have to infer. E.g., if I want to change attributes multiple spooled files on a green screen, I put a '2' on each one, put the common parameters I want to change on the command line, press Enter, and all get changed. There is no similar mechanism in Ops Nav - there, a dialog is raised for each spooled file, and I have to make the change individually - but even Microsoft knows better - if you are in Explorer and select multiple objects, then display Properties, one dialog is raised, and only common properties are enabled for change.

Please get real-world developers, hard-core PDM/SEU users in the design & development flow. Not internal IBMers, not even iSeries developers - many of whom could not sign on to an iSeries to save their life (SLIC developers work mostly on AIX and are just flatly not that familiar with iSeries from an end-user point of view - understandable and lamentable, IMO).

What would be useful is something like what Microsoft came out with - help for WordPerfect users - how you do WP things in MS Word. Give us a cross-reference of PDM/SEU function against CODE/RSE functionality - to enable our transition. As I said, this stuff is not always obvious. I, for one, would be saved ranting if such a document existed. And sit with a real-world developer awhile, to see all he/she does.

Thanks for listening to my venting and pleas.


At 08:25 AM 4/4/2003 -0500, you wrote:
Don: I have never thought about the RSE scenario. Thanks!

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