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Surely there's an easier way.  I have tried to find documentation on adding
a library to the current library list used by CODE for a verify but without
success.  Several of you have replied to a previous post with information
and pointed me to archived posts with macros for setting the library list.
After two days I know more about the editor but am no closer to solving my
problem.  I'm sorry for the repetition but I really want to figure this out.

I have tried adding the library to the job description on the AS/400,
pointed my user profile to the job description and even going into the WDSc
filter and specifying the library as part of the library list.  When I try
to verify the program it still can't find the files.  I have confirmed they
do indeed exist in the libraries I am trying to add.

One of the suggestions was to create a macro that changed the library list.
When I tried that an error of '-1' was returned and I was told to look at
the job log.  Sounds good, but where is the job log?  Trying to display it
from the CODE toolbar didn't work.  Maybe if someone can tell me how to
locate the server side job this might make sense.

I apologize if I'm rambling but it has been a very frustrating couple of
days trying to resolve this and I want to try and include as much
information as possible.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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