× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Regarding CL prompting in the CODE editor, yes it does require interactive
STRCODE today,
although there is a patch on the Web site I believe that will allow it to
work with autostart servers
by using the AS/400 Toolbox for Java to do the F1 and F4 support.

In the new RSE editor we do not require an autostart server for CL editing,
as we use that toolbox support.

Within the new RSE, you have the choice of launching the new iSeries Editor
or the classic CODE
Editor. The new one is based on lpex ... but it is a new Java version of
LPEX, not the original C++-based
version. On top of that core editor comes all the OS/400 and
language-specific functionality, and that
is what we are working to continue porting to Java. It is our goal,
ultimately, to not only match the CODE
editor but indeed to surpass it in some way. Eg, imagine typing a '%'
character and seeing a popup
list of built-in functions to select from. Same goes for the RSE
non-editing functionality ... it will surpass
both PDM and CPO. We know this is a base requirement, and we trust you to
hold us to it!

Phil Coulthard, iSeries Software Architect,  IBM Canada Ltd.
coulthar@ca.ibm.com. 905-413-4076, t/l 969-4076

----- Forwarded by Phil Coulthard/Toronto/IBM on 10/13/2002 11:33 AM -----

                      Vernon Hamberg
                      <vhamberg@attbi.c        To:       code400-l@midrange.com
                      om>                      cc:
                      Sent by:                 Subject:  RE: *CURRENT library? 
was RE: (no subject)

                      10/13/2002 08:19
                      Please respond to

Thanks, Phil

What do they say? Don't ask why? As you know, *CURLIB is troublesome. E.g.,
our build programs will sometimes change it. I'll need to check that it's
still OK to do this while using CODE. For now, I assume it's alright to
change it in the session, once it's started.

Re: changes - CL prompting right now requires a STRCODE session - doesn't
work with autostart server. Is this right? Does prompting work without
STRCODE in the RSE connection?

As I know you've heard, and I'm sure you are aiming for, RSE has to have
the full functionality of CODE. You already have LPEX in RSE, and CODE is
based on LPEX, right?

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