× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

coulthar@ca.ibm.com wrote:

The "new communications in WDSC 4.0" that Hak refers to is the Remote
System Explorer
(RSE) perspective in the IDE. This will eventually replace the classic CODE
tools, and it is based
on an entirely new communication layer that has not inherited the design
requiring a unique
curlib per user.  So, to the extent you only use the new IDE and its
built-in editor, you do not need
a dedicated current library. However, if you launch a CODE tool from the
RSE, such as the CODE
Editor, then you are using the old comm layer with the same restrictions.
We need to provide you
is a rich enough environment in this new world that you no longer feel
compelled to launch the
CODE tools... we are not there yet. The next release will move that ball
foreward a considerable

This is a complaint of mine with WDT in all it's reincarnations and
whatever it's called this quarter (and I mean this quarter).  If I was
to upgrade to this brand new one with the RSE, I would have to learn a
whole new way of using the product.  And your post indicates the next
release will change it all over again ("move that ball forward a
considerable degree").

So I'm going to spend most of my time figuring out how to use the
product this quarter, only to have the next release cause me to spend
most of my time figuring out how to use the product that release, only
to have the following release cause me to spend most of my time figuring
out how to use the product that release, only to have the . . .  you get
the idea.

I have a job to do and work to get done.  And if I stay on this release
(the WDT last one) because I _can_ get work done with it, when I ask
questions in 6 months about how to do something, I will be told to get
current, we aren't supporting that 'old stuff' much anymore.  So what
should I do?  Is there an actual destination for all this?  Or are we
going to be on-the-road forever?

Sorry to be cynical, but that's how I feel.


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