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I usually use the session object to store an object reference with Java,
but you can do something similar with php.

When you process the login form:
$_SESSION['user_name'] = $user_name;

Then, whenever you need it in another php script, you can do something
like this:
$user_name = $_SESSION['user_name'];


- --
Pete Hall

On 2010-10-20 11:53, Kevin Bucknum wrote:
Actually - this program is a bad example as I do actually have the
option to pass in a user and override the one from the program status
data structure. But most of our programs don't do that. We don't do any
kind of connection pooling and require valid signons for all the
database and store procedure calls, so current user sounds like the way
to go. We had the program status data structure mapped to an external
file, but it had 334-429 mapped as unused. I've updated the file and
have recompiles going on all the objects that used it. Hopefully in a
little while I can change it to use the current user and only have to
modify future utility programs to use that as well.


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