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I'm sure like any programming language it can be used wrong. I get a
little nervous about anything that seems so easy. You've seen what
FrontPage and Dreamweaver can do to the web :-)

Right now, at least it seems in the Java community, flex is taking a
pretty strong hold. I like you don't think Silverlight will really
take off. I do see JavaFX having a really good chance though, but I am
a Java/JVM fanboi. It will be interesting to see what Oracle does with
JavaFX. They lost a key guy to palm, but they have a team of really
good UI developers. Plus I think Oracle has some custom HotSpot type
of code to make the JVM even faster.

I've seen some pretty cool JavaFX demos to. The ability to drag an
applet off you web page to your desktop. That's pretty amazing to me.

James R. Perkins

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 05:35, Aaron Bartell <aaronbartell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It is probably one of those things where Flex can be used in right ways and
wrong ways based on the experience (or inexperience) of the developer
putting the pieces together.

It will be interesting to see how it transpires.  I do believe Flex stands
more of a chance than Silverlight and JavaFX.  Silverlight will forever be
plagued by primarily only running on the latest browsers on Windows OSes.
When I ran the JavaFX samples about a year ago it was even more slow than
Flex (by quite a bit) so I am not sure if I hold a lot of hope on that front
either - especially since it's existence might be somewhat up in their air
should Oracle choose to not continue it's pursuit.

Aaron Bartell

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