It was just pointed out to me that Java is indeed a platform, as is
Well, sort of. Java is a platform, but it's also a language. And while
you can use a number of tools (EGL for example) to generate the actual
Java language, at the end of the day these tools are spitting out Java
_language_ code, which is then compiled into Java bytecode by the java
compiler. This is different from .NET where there are a number of
languages, each with their own compiler, all of which generate CIL
(.net's version of bytecode). In that regard C# is a language, VB.Net is
a language, Cobol.Net is a language, and .Net is a platform. :)
As for the whole "face off" concept. I think it's a concept loaded with
problems -- not the least of which is the $1,800 price tag. But beyond
that, I have a problem that you can show something reasonable in a day.
Can you show something? Sure. But it's going to be at about the same
50,000 foot level as you can get from a "21 days" book in your local
book store. Will it address infrastructure and architecture? Will it
address business layers? Will it address things like logging, DALs,
Hibernate and its ilk, separation of concerns, or the gang of four? What
about background services? Batch Jobs? Offline access? What are
attendees likely to get out of it other than "gee, that's neat, I can
use either of these tools"?
Walden H Leverich III
Tech Software
(516) 627-3800 x3051
Quiquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.
(Whatever is said in Latin seems profound.)
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