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Hi Mike,

Thank you for those clarifications. Maybe I'm missing something
obvious, but I believe that I just work the way you advise.
We are not member of local administrator group. When I daily use RDi,
it is always started in the normal way, not elevated.
When I need to add a plugin, or update something in the config, I
always close RDi and reopen elevated. That has always worked well.
Until now that I wanted to add this language parameter to the
shortcut. When I added that initially, I probably may not have started
RDi in elevated mode, probably then there lies the root cause?


Op wo 13 feb. 2019 om 22:12 schreef Mike Hockings <hockings@xxxxxxxxxx>:

Just some random-ish mumbling that may or may not be 100% correct and are
at best just my opinion FWIW ...

Run-As-Administrator is not some sort of snake-oil curative, really. If
your config is so messed that R-A-A is a "fix" then maybe you need to
consider installing things as a user so that there is no authority issues.

Yes, Windows' way of protecting programs from malicious software is, um,
unusual. So, you will find odd things when the UAC is turned up when as a
normal user you modify an eclipse.ini, save it then look at it and it is
unchanged (presumably the same for shortcuts). This is because, as I
understand it anyway, Windows will write the change but to some shadow
directory structure and leaves the original file unchanged. This same
behaviour leads to nodlocked licenses if you apply an Activation Kit with
the UAC turned down so that you can start IM without error from the RDI
menu. So you get no warning that it is not elevated but it can't change
files in C:\ProgramData\*, just add them...

So, you want to modify a shortcut, copy-paste it to someplace write-abe
(your desktop?) then make the change. Same with the eclipse.ini, copy it
to your desktop, change it then copy it back and click through the dialogs
to do the replace thing.

If you run RDI as admin all the time that means that it and all those
plugins that you have installed from wherever have the ability to make
whatever change it wants on your machine without asking - think about where
that could lead ...

The bottom line is that you should only use admin auth to make changes to
your machine, want to add a plugin to RDI, start it as admin, add the
plugin then stop it and restart normally. On Windows always start IM from
the Start menu so that it is properly elevated.

Feel free to ignore all this though - it is the internet and you can't
trust it

Mike Hockings

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