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On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 7:47 PM, <MichaelQuigley@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
- The forward slashes mixed with the standard backslash in 'file at
"D:\IBM\RDI75/lum/" looks odd. Although I wouldn't have a clue how to
change that. You could try searching your install media for something with
the mixed slashes--or specifically for "/lum/". That path is not valid for

While it looks odd, it's actually not that hard to guess how it got like that.

The truth is, Windows accepts slashes in either direction in the path.
(In fact, even DOS did!) I know it doesn't feel like it, because the
command-line interface doesn't accept forward slashes in paths, but
that's just the way the shell program happens to be built. The kernel
actually doesn't care.

So what often happens in programs that interact with the operating
system directly is that they build up paths from pieces. A piece might
come from some API that returns backslashes and then the application
tacks on more at the end using forward slashes, if that happens to be
more convenient (which it well might, because so many programming
languages use backslash as an escape).

So that is most likely a red herring.

John Y.

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