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I think that a difference is that if the cost was spread out over everyone that buys the compiler, the additional cost per shop would be trivial.


On 3/8/2017 1:05 PM, Buck Calabro wrote:
On 3/8/2017 12:04 PM, Greg Wilburn wrote:
My point was this (when we went to a box with v7r1)... how can IBM charge for a compiler on the IBM i and not provide a fully functional source editor to go along with it?
IBM do provide a fully functional editor.

I'll tell you how I dealt with the cost issue.

I told my boss that SEU is like Notepad; that it comes with the system
(cost buried in the ADTS line item on the invoice) as a minimalist
emergency editor but that no one in their right mind would use it for
day to day development.

I told my boss that RDi comes for a fee, and that it was totally worth
every penny.

I told my boss that the fee we pay goes directly to the lab that
maintains and enhances RDi, and IBM were being very transparent to shake
that number loose from the earlier cost-hiding bundling that they
previously used. That, in effect, we were /always/ paying for RDi
despite not seeing a line item for it.

The compiler is not user-based.

What does your WRKLICINF say for 5770WDS feature 5101 'ILE COMPILERS:

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