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Try pricing other versions--e.g., Rational Application Developer

Eh? So what you're saying is that we should be thankful we're not getting ripped off even more by IBM? How many applications today are being built with these tools compared to open-source tools?

I'm not really sure I understand your comparisons to other MS products but, say what you like about MS, Visual Studio is a fantastic IDE and compiler suite and was less than half the price of RDi last time I looked, and let's not forget RDi does not even include a compiler. Visual Studio Code (not to be confused with Visual Studio) is a nice lightweight IDE, Netbeans and Eclipse both good IDEs and all are free. I bet IBM makes peanuts by charging for RDi, yet the damage done making it difficult for developers, and more importantly, potential developers to access decent development tools is significant IMO.

Once they started charging for it, there was a real uptake in interest. Go figure . . .

I've heard this before, but never seen any evidence for it. But even if it's true, I very much doubt IBM customers were sat around with wads of cash burning a hole in their pockets, just waiting for the price to rise a level at which was high enough for them to unburden themselves. The more likely reason is that WSDS sat alongside SEU for years until it stopped being maintained in favour of RDi so many traditional developers didn't see the point of just using a graphical editor to do everything they could already do in SEU. Now SEU itself has stopped being maintained you are obliged to use RDi if you want to use any of the latest syntax, therefore you are pushed, whether you like it or not.

We have programs running (now fully 64-bit RISC programs) which
No-one is arguing that the IBM i isn't a fantastic machine, it is, but this only makes it all the more frustrating that IBM has spend most of the machine's life trying to strangle it!

From: WDSCI-L <wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of MichaelQuigley@xxxxxxxxxx <MichaelQuigley@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 08 March 2017 17:35
To: wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] RDi way ahead

"WDSCI-L" <wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote on 03/08/2017 05:10:06 AM:
----- Message from Tim Fathers <X700-IX2J@xxxxxxxxxxx> on Tue, 7 Mar
2017 09:35:41 +0000 -----


"Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio Client
for System i & iSeries" <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>


Re: [WDSCI-L] RDi way ahead

It wasn't my intention to start an editor war, . . .

I understand and appreciate that. And I can understand irritations and
frustrations with software. I deal with it every day running MS-Windows. I
was glad when the PC group took my PC to install Windows 10 and the system
rejected it. I'm still stuck with 8.1 when I would rather have 7, but some
days I feel like I spend more time helping those who are on Windows 10
with simple Windows tasks than I do on my own work. <end rant>

. . .
. . .
. . .
talent and persuade people to use up-do-date tools, well why not
raise the barrier to entry even higher by charging a small fortune for

Try pricing other versions--e.g., Rational Application Developer for
WebSphere. You can get a user license for around $5800 (USD), but if you
really like the idea, buy the floating license for $10,200 (USD). The full
price user license for RDi is $1090. Talk to your business partner and you
can probably get that down.

Would I rather not pay anything for it? Of course, but I can easily recoup
the cost in productivity gains. It's been pointed out IBM had WDSC
available for years with no additional charge over buying the compilers
and it never gained any traction. Once they started charging for it, there
was a real uptake in interest. Go figure . . .

<restart rant>
My take on getting so many of the MS tools for free. Great, but you'll
have to buy a new version of Office, etc. every few years--and then you
can buy training to learn to use it because the interface will change. Why
does the interface change? Because they can sell you more training, books,
etc. And then you'll want to redesign all your work to match the new
interface, and then . . . .

My wife shared with me some challenges going from one version of MS-Access
to another a couple years ago. The function hadn't changed--just the way
you find it. I should probably be a little forgiving on this one because
Eclipse does foist some changes on us now and then. But I've never felt
like I needed to learn a whole new interface.

We have programs running (now fully 64-bit RISC programs) which were
compiled in the 1980s. They haven't been recompiled because they do their
job--consistently, stable and reliable. No changes needed, no user
retraining for the new interface.
</end rant>

If someone doesn't want to use RDi or doesn't like it, they don't have to.
I love it and I'm thankful my employer chose to spend around $600 to swap
an ADTS license for the RDi license several years ago. I'm sure the price
for that exchange has gone up.
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