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In my experience, once I'm in the Turnover perspective in RDi, everything is pretty much TurnOver-related only - I could be missing something, of course.

I added the RSE systems view to the Turnover perspective, so it's easy to get there and find a filter that is useful and where I can do searches.

Turnover has the concept of programmer worklists - I can't think of any other kind of filter against which iSphere options would operate. Again, I might be missing something.


On 3/1/2017 1:17 PM, Robert Rogerson wrote:
Question for you Turnover users. Can you use (and it appears so) iSphere within a Turnover filter? (I'm guessing that Turnover filter can be created).

I use Aldon LMi and the problem I have is that LMi has it's own subsystem in RSE. When I right click on a source member in a LMi filter I'm limited to only certain actions on the context menu. Even many of the standard RSE options are unavailable (for example Verify, User Actions, Debug or Code Coverage etc.). And definitely no iSphere options are available.

I use the iSphere plugins daily so I've had to resort to creating an LMi filter and a standard Member filter over the same file (members) to do my work. I spoke to Aldon once in the past about a similar issue and they told me that LMi ran in a separate subsystem and so not all RSE actions are available.

I'm just wondering if you Turnover users face the same issues.



On 3/1/2017 1:31 PM, Vernon Hamberg wrote:
I believe this is NOT correct - I'm using the Turnover plugin in RDi 9.5 every day.

I don't remember if I've installed the free Softlanding plugins yet, it seems i have not - in truth, iSphere has more stuff I use now regularly.


On 3/1/2017 11:32 AM, dlclark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
"WDSCI-L" <wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote on 03/01/2017 12:29:38 PM:
Are the Softlanding Plugins for RDi still available?
I have been to their web site, but can no longer find them.
I had to reinstall RDi on a new system and would like to get those
At least the TURNOVER plugin is not available for the latest
versions of RDi.


Dave Clark

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