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At my previous employer, I bought Linoma's RPG Toolbox and I highly recommend it.

I haven't tried Craig's stuff although I have briefly looked at it.

Roger Harman

COMMON Certified Application Developer – ILE RPG on IBM i on Power

OCEAN User Group<http://www.ocean400.org> – Vice-President, Membership (2014)

Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 12:02:57 -0600
From: vhamberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Convert sources for RDi


There are some free tools that can help you with the conversion - at
least for RPG - you can find them at www.jcrcmds.com - Craig Rutledge
has written them. One for sure is JCR4MAX - Craig says this on his page,
"Designed to run immediately after the CVTRPGSRC command. This utility
does many things I feel the CVTRPGSRC command should have done."

So you would use CVTRGPSRC, as Darren suggests, then run JCR4MAX - and
the source is included, so you can make it behave as you want it to.

Then there is JCR4PROTO, which converts subroutines and CALLB and all
into prototypes. I've used that less than JCR4MAX.

And he has JCR5FREE - this converts columnar calculations to /free - so
can a wizard in RDi, so you will want to compare the results - some
people don't like what RDi does.

If you want a commercial product, then look at Linoma's RPG Toolbox -
www.linomasoftware.com is the place to go.


On 11/21/2014 9:43 AM, darren@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
If you're dealing with RPG, I'd start with the CVTRPGSRC command.

From: "MATRAS Pavel (renexter)" <pavel.matras-renexter@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: "wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 11/21/2014 09:26 AM
Subject: [WDSCI-L] Convert sources for RDi
Sent by: "WDSCI-L" <wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

as we are starting using RDi, we have a lot of our sources in OPM (RPG and
COBOL). And most of functionality on RDi works only on ILE sources.
Please do you have any experience about converting sources from OPM to ILE?
Has this conversion any big troubles?
I know only about CL sources, that from ILE CL you can't use retrieve
source command...
Thanks for any advices.



Pavel Matras (ASSIST)
Developer / Analyst
Task Force

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