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There's no money to be had trying to write System i extensions for standard

Actually, I think there *is* money to be had, but maybe not as much as a
vendor would like. For example, if I could get a simple plugin that allowed
me to edit/compile/debug that would be a good start and I would be willing
to pay $30/yr for just that plugin similar to how MyEclipseIDE started out.

I have an abiding interest but no Java skill set.

I have the interest, potentially adequate Java skills, but have only
attempted one such plugin in Eclipse based on a tutorial Eric (last name?)
published years ago. I have done a fair amount of work with JT400.jar which
I am assuming is how we would connect to the server from Eclipse.

I did a little searching to see if the LPEX editor is *free* and it appears
it used to be included with Eclipse but no longer is. I did a search on
http://eclipseplugincentral.com but came up empty handed.

Looks like Mark Phippard asked this question some time ago:

Here's another person developing an LPEX editor for WDSC v7 (I am not sure
why, maybe he meant the latest version of Eclipse).

Aaron Bartell

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