Thanks for sharing your compiled info Charlie. A couple of points about
my responses:
Charlie Ramsdale wrote on 22/06/2007 15:06:08:
4. In SEU, when I hit enter, the editor will automatically position my
cursor to where I need to key additional data? I know tab moves me to
the next input position, but not whether it requires input. And by the
time auto syntax checking informs me, I have spent time reading the
message, relocating my cursor, etc.
Violaine Batthish: There is no way to currently do this. It is on our
list of requirements.
Adam Glauser: Automatic cursor positioning can be configured by choosing
'Preferences' from the 'Window' menu. In version 7, you are looking for
'Remote Systems -> Remote Systems LPEX Editor -> iSeries Parsers -> ILE
Apparently there is some SEU functionality I'm not aware of based on
Violaine's response. However, there are some other useful cursor
positioning settings on the preference page I mentioned.
7. After compiling, getting errors, and fixing them, and recompiling
successfully, the error messages are still showing in the edit view.
How can I get rid of them with out closing the member?
Adam Glauser: Click the X icon in the top left part of the iSeries Error
List view.
Oops - didn't read that carefully enough. The X icon in the iSeries Error
List view actually clears the error list itself, but does not clear the
error info that is inserted into the source.
Hope this helps,
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