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                Hey Guys,

I agree with Adam that even though I'm an avid user of WDSCi there is always a 
need for a quick fix in SEU. With that being said I see why IBM is trying to 
phase out the other tools, its all about resources. Its hard to keep developers 
on staff that work on tools that arent part of the companies direction. The S36 
is the other prime example of this, keeping a S36 compiler specialist on staff 
cant be easy:)

Don Nitke


                                From: "Bill Barnes" <bbarnes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 9:08 AM
To: wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] WDSCI-L Digest, Vol 5, Issue 174 

I'm sorry that you've had so much trouble with WDSC Bill. It seems
been particularly unlucky - I don't think we've all had quite as many 

As for the question of your co-workers, I don't think I'll ever
the "if I use WDSC, I have to use only WDSC" mentality. I still use
PDM, and even the green-screen debugger from time to time. Sometimes
just the simplest way to get the job done. I don't really see why
a problem - I like having multiple tools available to work how I see

The perception is being pushed by IBM. The impression is that they want
everyone off PDM and on RSE. Just like they want everyone to "Migrate
to WEBSPHERE". I have not seen any compelling reasons to use WEBSPHERE.
JAVA doesn't seem to be an easy language for business. I know it is a
resource hog and it seems to run slower than either COBOL or RPG.
Visual Basic is simple to use but lacks the robustness of RPG.

As for your problem installing the RSE Extensions - what version of WDSC

are you running? There was a bug that was fixed sometime after the 
initial 6.0 release that sometimes caused problems after plugin 

I am on the absolute latest version prior to the much vaunted V7.0 The
version numbers are a tad confusing since I have upgraded 2 or 3 times
and get a successful completion but the version numbers don't seem to
reflect that. When I do the check for updates thing it says I am cool.


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