× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

In the LPEX editor, I'd really a preference that would make the "word left"
and "word right" (Ctrl-LeftArrow and Ctrl-RightArrow, shifted and unshifted)
stop at punctuation.  Right now it only stops at white space and that's a
pain for:
  OrderArray(oIndex).AddressLine(x) = %subst(LongAddress:curIndex:30);
You basically have to go one space at a time to get to oIndex.  The only way
to be able to cleanly cursor around is to use what I fondly refer to as
  OrderArray( oIndex).AddressLine( x) = %subst( LongAddress: curIndex: 30);

Note the strategic spacing.  And even that isn't very helpful for dot
syntax.  So a couple of options would be nice: word cursor jumps TO the next
punctuation mark and, word cursor jumps OVER the next punctuation mark (the
the next position).

You might even consider (although this would be low priority) an option to
check CamelCase when jumping, like the Java editor does now.  Include in the
stop list not only punctuation, but a change from lower case to upper case.
This is primarily useful to those of use who use CamelCase to name our
variables.  However, this one is probably not nearly as useful as the
punctuation breaks!


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