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Hi guys,

I have a strange case in an SQLRPGLE program. Here is my example code, to eventually reproduce this:

ctl-opt actgrp(*new);

dcl-s bBool ind inz(*on);
dcl-s sVar varchar(100) inz('Hello');
dcl-s nCount int(10) inz;


*inlr = *on;

dcl-proc prTest;
exec sql select count(*)
into :nCount
from sysibm.sysdummy1
where ' ' = :sVar and :bBool ;

When running/debugging the program, the SQLCODE is *ZERO after the first procedure call.

But after the second procedure call, the SQLCODE is -311, which means "Length in varying-length, LOB, or XML host variable not valid".

If I remove either the Boolean or the Varchar variable from the statement, it runs fine. Changing ":bBool" to ":bBool = '1'" or anything else doesn't help.

If I add the line

sql_00004 = *blank;

just before the EXEC SQL it runs also fine. This is the buffer before the VARCHAR field in the SQL host variables DS, that the Pre-Compiler defines. And the content of this "buffer" is the only thing that differs from call 1 to call 2.

But this shouldn't happen? Or should it? What am I doing wrong?

From what I can see, it happens only, if the program was compiled on 7.5. If it was compiled on an earlier release, it seems to run fine on 7.5.

TIA for every hint.

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