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On 6/22/2023 9:10 AM, tim ken wrote:
Thanks for these inputs and this was compiled successfully but when it was
used with my main program as mentioned in this link then again got these
many compilation errors:-


This is an entirely different program to the one I responded to. It's really difficult to help with a moving target.

May I suggest that you get a simple program compiled, tested, and working to your satisfaction. Then add/change one thing. Introduce new concepts one at a time, rather than many all at once.

Also what does this mean here "As an aside, chgjob log(0 0 *nolist) tends
to stop useful messages from
getting into the job log. As a beginner, try log(4 0 *seclvl) to get the
maximum amount of information possible."

The first command in the snippet you posted was chgjob log(0 0 *nolist). Why did you execute that command, what was your goal, what end result did you want to achieve?

Does it mean while compiling and executing the 'Create Bound RPG Program
(CRTBNDRPG)' command which is used to compile the program mentioned in the
above link, is there some parameter which needs to be set specifically
here? was it meant for Generation severity level . . . GENLVL 10
which is by default set while compiling this program as '10'?

No. CHGJOB LOG(...) is about what messages go into the job log, and does not relate to any other commands you might run in that job.

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