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Clear "Squiggly Lines" with F1, then IBM i: Clear Diagnostics

"fat finger a copy/paste/etc", yes, done that. Ctrl+z works real well about undoing it.
Don't know about having the same member open twice--sounds potentially dangerous to me. But you could try creating a second connection to the machine and see if you can open the same member there.

"the nesting lines for loops" Personally, I like the vertical lines. In **free code, if you have Rpgle Indention Enable it helps keep the structure of your code clear. And With Ctrl + [ and Ctrl + ] you can move a line or selected lines left and right by a tab stop. If the lines really bother you, you might searching VS Code settings for Ruler. Thought I have not experimented with this.

"LIB/Q*" there is an open issue #319 "Provide Object Filter in Object Browser". You might want to take a look and weigh in with your request and suggestions.


On 11/3/2021 1:50 PM, Brad Stone wrote:
I just made the switch from ILEditor to VSC. The one thing I wish it had
was when adding source PFs to your list, you could just say


And it would load them all. Instead it seems you have to do each source PF
at a time.

Of course, I imagine my next step would be moving to the IFS for source
instead of source PFs. :) But honestly I don't see much of an advantage
to that. And I haven't tested if wildcards work there either.

One other thing that gets annoying is after a compile where the errors and
warnings are listed those lines all get squiggly lines (like ones for
typos) on them.. combine that with all of the nesting lines for loops,
if/select/etc... and it gets messy pretty quick.

Finally, I haven't figured out a way to open the same source member twice..
as someone said they did. It would be cool to have one open in case you
fat finger a copy/paste/etc to see what it was before.

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