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My first thought is that mapping keys might work but gads that'd be injecting a new layer of instructions  forever and seemed useless.

Would using RTNCSRLOC(&Record &Field)  be a work-around? I've used a 1-char field with DTVAL("?") DSPATR(PR) And when the cursor is in that field the Enter key causes a related action to occur.

An underlying design issue seems more significant though. if the screen needs more than 24 F-keys that is a pretty reliable indicator that way too much is going on that screen; It most likely needs to be broken down into 3 or more screens

On 5/9/2020 5:29 AM, Patrik Schindler wrote:
Hello Darryl,

Am 08.05.2020 um 22:35 schrieb dfreinkel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

When I worked on one of the ERP packages, they used an additional function
key, I think it was something like Alt F1, Alt F2,.

How does one do this in a DSPF and RPG program?
AFAIK, the 5250 data stream has no concept about Shift and Alt-Modifiers for Function-Keys. What is actually sent is depending on how the client handles combined key strokes.

:wq! PoC

PGP-Key: DDD3 4ABF 6413 38DE - https://www.pocnet.net/poc-key.asc

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