× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

It is a great time to be doing this because there are so many great tools, types and protocols that allow data to move easily between systems.  JSON is, or was, primarily a client-side format.  I would say that it was a "browser-centric" format because JSON is an acronym for JavaScript Object Notation.  Before the advent of node.js, JavaScript was almost exclusively a browser thing.  These days it is equally used at the browser and the server but the real value is that when a JSON file or stream is consumed by JavaScript it "becomes" an object.  And from that point working with objects within the JavaScript world makes life easy.

It has utility as a data transfer format but the real power of it is in consumption by JavaScript.  So, I would expect that your customer would prefer a JSON formatted file or stream to be available for them to consume which means a web service (or some sort)  available on your IBM i.  How they would return that JSON stream or file would be up to them:  They provide a web service you access or they use some other method for transmitting the JSON back to you.

I'd start with mapping out what they would need to consume and how to expose it.  Then I'd look at how they would want to make the changes available to you.  Securely making the services available is probably the biggest challenge.  Providing and consuming the JSON formatted data is the "easy" part (IMHO).

Pete Helgren
GIAC Secure Software Programmer-Java
Twitter - Sys_i_Geek IBM_i_Geek

On 3/1/2019 7:42 AM, Debbie Panco wrote:
I am an RPG/Cobol programmer on the ISeries. I know nothing about interfacing with the web.
I am a newbie. We here are looking to have a web application where we will pass customer
data from the ISeries, allow the customer to make changes, receive that data back to the ISeries
and updata our ISeries data file with the changes.

I was assigned the task of researching what it would take to do this particularly using JSON. What
I am looking for at this point is not specifics. I am looking for learning materials. A good JSON
book that someone could recommend that I could use as a reference. Maybe some good
reference material of how JSon is used in an RPGLE program (an IBM reference manual maybe).

Perhaps a basic explanation as to the best way to accomplish it. IE: what happens between the
web application and the ISeries. SQL? Something else?

I'm just researching because I am very green at this point.

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