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"RPG400-L" <rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote on 06/08/2018 02:16:35
"RPG400-L" <rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote on 06/08/2018 02:06:53
If you do get assigned tasks in an object oriented language like Java
C#, don't underestimate the learning curve required with learning
oriented design patterns. The learning curve is more than learning a
language. I'm no expert in those areas, but learning the design
makes or breaks the quality of what you build, and is the hard part
not learning the language. Language = fairly easy; Design patterns and

to apply them = not easy.

I understand and I agree. I've applied OO concepts to
Visual Basic, and .NET over the years so I'm familiar with it. I also
took a course in Ruby on Rails so got a little exposure to JAVA that

Sorry, it wasn't Ruby on Rails. It was Groovy on Grails. ;-)


Dave Clark

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