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On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 2:45 PM, Charles Wilt <charles.wilt@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I saw mention of Natural Docs...but hadn't really looked at it as the post
I found about it mentioned it had been rewritten in C#.

This is why I asked whether it matters where this software runs. When
you said "existing non-RPG tool" what could that mean? The two
possible interpretations that come to mind are "tool written IN
something other than RPG" and "tool written FOR something other than
RPG". In either case, the choices are extremely limited if you are
talking about something that runs on the i.

If you want to run Natural Docs on the i, you could (in principle)
still use the old Perl version. (I seem to recall seeing hints that
eventually .NET languages might be runnable on the i, but even if
true, I wouldn't expect that to happen soon.)

Started out looking at Doxygen

Was this one of the "existing non-RPG tool[s]" you had in mind? Did
you immediately rule it out for being written in C++?

then got pointed to sphinx...which lead back
to Doxygen via Breathe :)

I am not sure you would need Doxygen to use Sphinx. I know you can
find a lot of stuff on the Web that says you need Doxygen and Breathe
to use Sphinx for C++ code, but I am not sure that is up to date. Even
if it is, RPG isn't C++, so the best answer for RPG may or may not be
something else.

John Y.

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