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This has never happened to me. Now I am terrified.

Question: do you work on your code on your PC or do you work on the code as it is sitting on the i? That isn't the right terminology. ummmm... let me try again... All the code is on my PC. That is always up to date and current. When I want to compile, it pushes to the i and compiles.

Am I making any sense?

On 4/7/2017 12:27 PM, Richard Schoen wrote:
I have had this issue at least once with every version of WDSC up to RDI.

Always random but painful.

I always make a habit of checking via PDM after a source member has changed/saved from RDI before its closed just in case.

At RJS we had a mechanism in place to also capture current copies of source upon open as well in case any code got lost after an RDI change.

Having a 99% chance of success is still too much of a margin for error especially when you've lost hours of work like you and I have 😊


Richard Schoen
Director of Document Management
e. richard.schoen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
p. 952.486.6802
w. helpsystems.com


message: 1
date: Thu, 6 Apr 2017 12:46:18 -0700
from: Alan Campin <alan0307d@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: Rational Developer losing source code

I am running version of Rational Developer For IBM I.

Has anyone had a problem with Rational deciding to pull an earlier version of code. I didn't think such a thing was possible.

I wrote hundreds of lines of code over the last few days and finished up a section last night and very carefully saved that source code last night before I shutdown.

This morning I open the code and all this new code over 3 days is gone!! By the appearances of it, Rational pulled the code from some old copy. None of that makes any sense but I pretty well know that must be what happened because I looked at the code through SEU last night before I shutdown and it was there.

Anybody else run into anything like this?

I just tried making some changes and it saved them OK.

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