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On 2 February 2016 at 21:50, Booth Martin <booth@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am doing that, as step 1. It works great. Its step 2 thats is troubling

Step 1: gather all records for ItemA1.
Repeat for ItemA2, A3, B5, B8. r8, etc.

In the end I will have gathered 30 to 40 records for each of 10 to 60
different items.

I expect to have a separate array and keep track of positioning. Then add
each gathering to the end of the array. SQL has surprised so often with
flexibility that I did not expect that it seemed reasonable to ask.

Apologies to the list for this inline reply. I'm too old to be able
to think upside down, and just can't manage to top post like a normal
person. So the salient background is below this :-(

Where are you getting item A1, A2, A3, B5, etc? The point is that if
they are coming in as a group - say, a subfile - this is a set, and
SQL loves sets. So instead of doing a SELECT... WHERE PARTNO = :ITEM
maybe you could try WHERE PARTNO IN (:ITEMA, :ITEMB...) or some
similar construct. The point being that if you intend to manipulate
the resultant set of A1 through R8, grab them all in one go in the
first place, rather than piecemeal and then append them into a final


On 2/1/2016 3:53 PM, Charles Wilt wrote:

Why not just fetch all 1000 at once?

c/exec sql
c+ fetch myCursor for 1000 rows
c+ into :myOccursDS

c eval wNumRowsRtn = SQLERRD(3)


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