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On 9/17/2012 12:14 PM, Barbara Morris wrote:
Why? Stupidity is the only answer I can think of. Or at least, the only
kind answer. Irresponsible laziness is another possibility, if whoever
added IGNDECERR really understood what they were doing.

(weeps piteously) Barbara just called me stupid!

Actually, she almost did. I didn't actually use IGNDECERR -- rather I coded it in a S/36 program because I didn't know about IGNDECERR at the time (I do now -- but, this happened about 18 years ago.)

I coded an S/36 RPG II program because I didn't know IGNDECERR existed. The staff had been trying to find/fix problems with a field in a file -- and wanted to set fields with bad packed data (packed blanks) to zero, but couldn't figure out how because when the program read the data, it always blew up, and there didn't seem to be a solution.

So I wrote an S/36 RPG II program that read through teh file, looked for '40404' in the bad field, and set it to a valid packed zeros. Variables set to "normal" values worked fine. At the time, in 1994, this was the only way I knew of to fix the problem, aside from finding which programs were causing it to begin wtih, and they had already tried and failed to do that, and we didn't have more time to spend.

If I had to do it today, would I use IGNDECERR? No. But features are often added, and then become obsolete by better choices later.


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