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Seems I ran into something related to this, using a procedure to double up quotes in strings, as I recall. Unfortunately it is used in a lot of places in-line to the calculation, so I ran out of automatic storage - the return value was something like 32765 - I got over it by making the return value smaller. But one solution, I see now, will be (if I get time and opportunity) to procedure-ize more of the thing.


Barbara Morris wrote:
Joe Pluta wrote:
Barbara Morris wrote:
The problem is proportional to the size of the return value. Calling a procedure that returns 50 bytes should not be a problem unless you call it a zillion times in the same procedure.
This seems like a pretty serious issue since it would most likely only occur during periods of heavy load, so I put together a little test, albeit pretty unscientific. Basically I just created an ILE RPG program that invokes a subprocedure that returns a 65K varying field (after stuffing the current time into the field). I ran it for an hour and a half, 14 million calls, and it seemed to run just fine.

Oops, sorry, I wasn't at all clear what I said about a zillion calls. It's not the number of calls done at runtime, it's the number of call statements in the procedure at compile time.

This counts as 2 call statements:
x = fn();
x = fn();
This counts as 1 call statement:
for i = 1 to 2;
x = fn();

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