John Arnold (MFS) wrote:
I agree with Tom, it is the 24 hour that does not exist. I do not
see much difference, when trying to effectively reverse the stated claim.
The truth is zero hour does not exist, only 2400 exists, however, 2400
is the end of the day so there is no time of 24:00:01 - that time is
expressed as 00:00:01 thus leading one to believe that 00:00:00 exists.
The truth is the 24 hour does not exist, only zero hour exists,
however, zero hour is the beginning of the day, so there is no time of
24:00:00 - that time is expressed as 00:00:00 for the next day, thus
leading to no confusion of what 24:00:00 might intend to represent.
If the zero hour existed, it would be the first marker in the next day
but since it does not exist time always moves from today at 24:00:00 to
tomorrow at 00:00:01 - fortunately, we only have a second to think about
it and it is gone.
If the 24 hour existed, it would be the last marker in the previous
day, but since it does not exist, time always moves from yesterday at
23:59:59.999999~9 to today at 00:00:00 - fortunately, we only have an
infinitesimal amount of time to contemplate it, but even before we
could, yesterday has already passed into today.
;;;;;;; _Consider the following_:
It seems to me that in the 24 hour argument, there is a failure to
account for a billionth of a second, or any small portions, sub-seconds
time. If the zero hour does not exist, then does that also preclude the
simple case of milliseconds 00:00:00.314 into a zero hour?
If there is in one day, from 00:00:01 until 24:00:00, where did the
missing 0.999999~9 portion of a second go?
- 00:00:01.000000~0
= 23:59:59.000000~0
If 24:00:01 does not exist, then perhaps 24:00:00.999999~9 does, to
resolve my missing 0.999999~9 portion of a second? It looks odd, but
the missing partial second is recovered this way!
- 00:00:01.000000~0
= ~23:59:59.999999~9
Or perhaps the zero hour does exist, but only since the first
0.000000~1 portion of a second since the 24 hour? Ah... there is the
partial second again!
= ~23:59:59.999999~9
But what about allowing the zero hour and zero [sub-seconds] to
exist. All is accounted for here, as well!
- 00:00:00.000000~0
= ~23:59:59.999999~9
So the last two examples are what is really being talked of in the
two claims:
1) 24 hour exists, zero hour does not
2) Zero hour exists, 24 hour does not
Sorry, I just do not see 23:59:59.999999~9 rolling over to the value
24:00:00.000000~0 solely to exist for the incalculably-small amount of
time before 00:00:00.000000~1 transpires in a similarly incalculably
small amount of time [a googolth of a second ;-)]. Even sillier,
continuing on, in infinitesimally sub-second slices of time, up to
24:00:00.999999~9 until the magical 00:00:01.000000~0 is finally met.
An increment from the zero hour makes the most sense to me, with an
_asymptotic_ approach to 24; i.e. never reaching 24, _eclipsing_ into
the zero hour. I do not want to try to force fit some 24 hour between
23:59:59.999999~9 and 00:00:00.000000~1 to muddle; the value
00:00:00.000000~0 belongs between. Zero is too beautiful to ignore.
Zero deserves better! :-)
Regards, Chuck
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