× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Well Joe - you have your opinion, I have mine. Does not mean either of those opinions are 100% right.

I deploy lots of applications to lots of people every day on multiple platforms. We have no performance problems at all.

The SAP demo at Citrix does seem to be offline; talk to SAP, perhaps they moved it. Try some of the Microsoft apps, they worked for me here at home. I did not try them at work.

As for internet performance, I explained that the connection I used from work was a full 10meg/sec up and download, and was not loaded at all when I tried your site. The pages took about a second to refresh and display, with a couple of them taking a bit longer. It was probably caused by *your* internet connection. Not ours. Same behavior by the way, from home, which is on 9mb/s cable modem. The applications are good, they just are not what *I* would call polished. Appearance is not everything, but can easily make or break a sale.

Citrix from here, by the way, is just as fast as if I were at work on the Gigabit network. <shrug> So are X Windows connection to Linux servers.

In any event you apparently have some pretty good products, and I don't care to argue with you. That *is* a waste of time.

If you pass through Austin, come by my office and I can show you the kind of performance we need and demand. And *get* from everything we deploy.
I'll buy you lunch too.


On Apr 17, 2007, at 5:01 PM, Joe Pluta wrote:

From: Paul Raulerson

Joe- speaking of wasting time, why did you not just post a link to your
demo application?

Because I was trying very hard to keep application out of it. Typically
what happens then is a bunch of time wasted over whether right- click is
enabled, or which font is used on menus. I was instead talking about the UI
architecture. A properly designed browser UI gets sub-second speed over the
Internet, which is directly opposite of what you were claiming.

If you want real comments on that demo, the 5250 style emulation is well
done, and the web browser-looking "IQ" implementation ain't bad. Either
one took a second or two display when pages changed. (And no, I'm on a 10
megabyte per second dedicated Ethernet drop connected over SONNET. And on
a dual processor dual core machine to avoid any accusations of trying it
on a machine that was not sufficiently fast to display it quickly.)

Please, let's be precise. There's a HUGE difference between sub- second and
"a second or two", and I absolutely deny that pages are averaging two
seconds. In fact, if you are regularly even getting a full second response
time, you have a serious connectivity problem. And this is on a 384KB
uplink, which means LAN and WAN performance are many times faster than this.

While I understand those are just quick demo applications, neither one
would get into production here because the UI is not polished enough.

And this is the subjective stuff I was trying to avoid. It doesn't matter
what I show you, you're going to say your interface is better, even though
have nothing to show and point us to canned demos from Citrix (which don't
even work).

You're the one demanding proof. At least I'm showing you a real, live
demonstration program. The least you can do is show us one of yours, rather
than bombarding us with more rhetoric.

And in the meantime, I will repeat that my clients get sub-second response
time with a complete point-and-click interface including images, PDFs, Excel
spreadsheets, file upload capabilities, the works. All with zero
infrastructure costs or licensing.

Why don't you go over to this link and try a few applications?

Like Nathan, I got a connection error on the application. So evidently the
deployment issue still has some major kinks. At least my demo works. But
then again, maybe that's because mine uses industry standard technology
running on the world's most reliable server.

Here's the REALLY funny part of all this. The only part of the whole Citrix
demo that works is the compatibility check:

http://www.runaware.com/compcheck/compat_check.jsp? c_app_id=5803&refname=cit

It's a JSP. <laughing>


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