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Hi Adam

Which Redbook are you looking at? I see one that included Birgitta in the authors.

As far as I know, there are no generated F-specs from the preprocessor - look at the compile listing - you will see an SQLDA but no F-specs - unless you put them there.

So, as you say in another post, you do opens and closes manually - that's fine, except that they have nothing to do with SQL tasks. So don't confuse the 2 things - not related. If you put in an F-spec, you have to use the native I/O opcodes.

So the cycle, among other things, has nothing to do with SQL either. I do sometimes use an externally-described data area in order to get field names from a file, maybe even based on a pointer, so as not to take up memory - then I can use the column names for LIKE keywords.


At 11:23 AM 4/9/2007, you wrote:

Hi all,

I hope this is the right place to ask this question. I've looked at the
Embedded SQL Redbook a bit, as well as archive.midrange.com, but I haven't
found anything. I'm sort of making baby steps with embedded SQL at this
point, so it's quite possible I'm not looking in the right places.

My problem is that the PF stays open after my SQL statement is run, even
if I add a CLOSE. I understand from the Redbook that the SQL preprocessor
creates it own F-spec for each file it uses, so I can see why the close
isn't working the way I'd hoped. Is there some way to force the file to
close after the SQL statement?

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