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I wouldn't think it would be accurate to
> use job starts and ends time
measure performance.

It all depends on what one means by 'performance.' As far as a computer operator or a user waiting for a report goes, a job that takes 3 hours to run is pretty much the same as one that takes 3 hours and 10 minutes to run. When talking to other people, CPU seconds can be a bit too abstract to comprehend how much work is actually going on. A CPU second on an older AS/400 is nothing like a CPU second on a new i5.

I personally like to use %dec because I
> can never remember how many bytes a 10i 0
> occupy or what is the highest value it can hold.

I don't believe a 10i 0 can hold value
> of 9999999999 (I'm too lazy to check).

Yes, this is exactly why worrying about the optimisation _before_ getting the code to work to specification can be so dangerous. If it turns out that your program requires all 10 digits (or even 31!) then a conversion to integer does no good, no matter how fast it is. <grin>

Again, this isn't intended as a criticism of your particular circumstances. It's more for the archives... And by the bye, your recollection is correct. Although defined as 10i 0, the integer data type cannot hold 10 nines.

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