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> The problem is your variable Compressed is too small.

I agree that the field is too small Keith/Simon, but isn't the function
supposed to handle that?  I thought it was supposed to return the length
that the compression requires but only actually fill the space provided.
Not just blow up.  In case anyone wonders why I'm using 52 - it is because
that is the max for DSPLY sadly.

I based this test on an example that directly used the underlying MI
built-in and it had a length of 52 for both input and result and that one
works just fine.  Since it works I have to assume that the compression
option it is using ( Algorithm = 2) is not the same as the one used for the
cprdata function.  Wonder why.  In fact using this option the full 52
characters are indeed compressed since the reverse decompression works just
fine and restores the original string intact.

Jon (still confused in Mississauga) Paris

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