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Well, I agree with you that IF the MI and the use of release dependent
API's are not significant then having the compiler compile down to earlier
support versions should not be a big problem.  But I don't write the
compilers and don't know how much of a play that is.

I don't know if I agree with you that most customers who shell out the
money for source are going to do their PTF's and stay fairly current on OS

Rob Berendt
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin

                    Tom Daly
                    <Tdaly@sddsystems       To:     "'rpg400-l@midrange.com'" 
                    .com>                   cc:
                    Sent by:                Fax to:
                    rpg400-l-admin@mi       Subject:     RE: question on survey 

                    02/19/2002 04:02
                    Please respond to

Now I see what you're saying.

Although I can think of a few exceptions, most customers who will shell out
the money for the source are going to do their PTFs and stay fairly current
on OS releases.

As a developer I think it would be great to be able to target multiple OS
releases (not necessarily OS versions) with a single source and use the
latest language enhancements.

So if not for the source issue, what do you think?

 |  -----Original Message-----
 |  From: rob@dekko.com [mailto:rob@dekko.com]
 |  Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 15:58
 |  Subject: RE: question on survey question
 |  The PTF would come into play because the customer would
 |  want the source
 |  code.  They would want to compile it on their dinosaur of a
 |  machine.  In
 |  order to get this new release of the compiler, the minimum
 |  you'd have to do
 |  is apply a PTF.  Many customers would pitch a fit because
 |  they don't put
 |  ptf's on for the same reason that they don't put releases on.
 |  Rob Berendt
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