I think it's pretty clear that he could dabble with .Net but chooses not to.
I guess my point is that if you really want to do something whether it's implement a C# web service in .Net, Learn to Cook Italian food, take flying lessons, where there's a will there's a way if you work towards it and learn, even if it's on your own time which I have always done using "the google" as a source.
It takes 20 minutes to install Visual Studio on a Windows PC to get started without a server request from the network team. I have many colleagues who have learned that way, but it takes desire and effort.
Anyways I think this C# discussion is drawing to a close since there is no C# runtime on IBMi and probably won't be any time soon.
Richard Schoen
Director of Document Management
e. richard.schoen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
p. 952.486.6802
w. helpsystems.com
message: 3
date: Sun, 19 Nov 2017 16:50:24 -0500
from: John Yeung <gallium.arsenide@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [IBMiOSS] C# decryption port to Power i
On Sun, Nov 19, 2017 at 1:24 PM, Richard Schoen <Richard.Schoen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
You approve of technology segregation and you wish you didn't have that segregation ?
I'm not 100% clear on your position other than I think what you're trying to say is you perhaps want everything on IBMi perhaps ?
I think it's clear Buck is not (directly) approving of the idea of technology segregation per se, but rather the idea that every organization has different needs, different cultures, and different decision-makers; that it's natural, normal, and expected that different organizations will come to different conclusions, and that he respects all of those differences.
He did say that he wishes his organization were not so segregated, and he also earlier said that the reason he prefers to have everything on the i *when he has the choice* is that he can then have access to everything, because he has (apparently more-or-less unfettered) access to the i. If he could also dabble in .NET stuff on his own at work, he would welcome that opportunity. As it is now, he would have to put in a request for the .NET stuff, and it would be out of his hands.
John Y.
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