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> You guys are scaring me.  What exactly are you reading that is giving you
> this information?  Do you get special messages while you're reading the
> words, or have I just suddenly become unable to actually
> comprehend English
> grammar?
> Somebody please give me one CONCRETE example (with the appropriate
> legislative wording, the citation, and the date it was written
> into law) of
> the damage my government is doing to my country.

Observers from both sides of your political spectrum have publicly
questioned the very constitutionality of the Patriot Act; specifically, the
First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Tenth Amendments.

You must consider the Act in it's whole. The people who've drafted this
legislation are not stupid; they knew it would be challenged, therefore
you're not going to find the kind of blatant evidence you're asking for.
You're a bright guy; read it with an open mind, and draw your own

> The only place I could find anything remotely distrubing in my perusal of
> the PATRIOT act was in the extended wire tapping capabilities.
> And while I
> don't LIKE wire taps, I also don't mind them.  I personally have more
> problem with mandatory seat belt laws than with wire taps.  Why?
> Because I
> ain't got nothin' to hide, yet I'm too fat to fit comfortably with a seat
> belt.

Perhaps you're not aware of the FBI's extensive history of abusing it's
power to harass and disrupt groups engaged in legitimate political
activities. The following are just a couple of examples. Many more abound;
but I'll leave you to do the homework for yourself.



Given the findings of the Church Commitee report, what makes you think the
FBI can be entrusted with the broader powers granted by the Patriot Act?

> It's a new world, folks.  Bad guys want to kill us.  They have big bombs.
> We may have to change some of our thinking.

I find your thinking to be somewhat ironic, and deeply saddening.


John Taylor

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