Might be a null termination issue on the string, but I also wonder if wrapping that command in a string and using qcmdexec would solve the problem more easily.

Jim Oberholtzer
Chief Technical Architect
Agile Technology Architects

------ Original Message ------
From "gio.cot via MIDRANGE-L" <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc "gio.cot" <gio.cot@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date 9/18/2024 2:30:30 AM
Subject Api QP0FPTOS passing parameters

Hi all

I'm try to use QP0FPTOS api to check if an Ifs obj is locked and who Lock

running CALL PGM(QP0FPTOS) PARM((*LSTOBJREF) ('/Mypath/MyFile')
(*FORMAT2)) works fine

if i run this


chgvar VAR(&MYPATH) VALUE('/Mypath/MyFile')


I receive CPE3025 This path or directory does not exist

Where am i wrong ?

Thanks in advance


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