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Hello Rob,

Am 01.08.2024 um 15:02 schrieb Rob Berendt <robertowenberendt@xxxxxxxxx>:

Apparently it's a thing now to change your IP address on a periodic basis to "avoid the chance client systems connecting to the static IP address are tracked and targeted".

Hm. Sounds to me like just another case of security by obscurity. The global IPv4 address space nowadays can be scanned in mere hours with parallelized requests. Shodan does this on a regular base, and publishes results for a fee.

To me the whole thing feels like someone decided "we need to do something" with no idea what the right thing to do might be. Probably there's budget left and it has to be spent to get the same budget again next year?

I hope responsible people will not fall prey to this baseless course of action by blindly following the "but IBM also does it" mantra. This is almost the same idiocy like "enforcing periodic password changes enhances security".

:wq! PoC

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