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Thank you very much. You addressed my points exactly as I was hoping.

Interesting Birgitta says always use *Job and you say never to.
Well in my case these are api pgms in a cgi job so I think actgrp commit scope is the way to go!!

Im curious about your point below… can you elaborate a bit more?…

<D*B>Only SQL starts commit by automatic - if the first update/insert is
made by RLA it will fail</D*B>

Oh and as to your point about the implicit commit… as I was playing with this yesterday, every time the top level pgm that started the cc running in *new ended, the commit would happen without a commit being coded. If I signed off and back on the record was still there.

So I do believe what I laid out is an accurate assessment of how cc behaves on an api pgm in a cgi job environment.



On Jul 26, 2024, at 3:03 AM, Dsternb <dieter.bender@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

<D*B>Only SQL starts commit by automatic - if the first update/insert is
made by RLA it will fail</D*B>

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