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On 7/12/24 12:15 PM, Brad Stone wrote:
The IBM SMTP server is not equipped to handle newer authentication
methods for SMTP.

Not entirely sure if this counts as a "newer authentication method": it seems that this Amazon SES appears to have a fairly conventional (albeit long) user-ID and (even longer) password to gain access to the server itself. They have an instruction page for some M$ product I've never heard of at


Under step 3, it explains (in a manner that might make sense if I were looking at the M$ product) how to plug this user-ID and password into the M$ product, and connect it to the Amazon endpoint. But I don't see anything in CHGSMTPA that looks like a place to put a user-ID and password.

So is this still a non-starter? And out of morbid curiosity, what about connecting to Amazon SES from Brad's MAILTOOL Plus, rather than from the OS?

On the other hand, they also have web services for SES. But those require signed requests, that seem to involve a bewildering (at least in the docs) series of HMAC-SHA256 hashes of HMAC-SHA256 hashes:

Anybody know about this sort of thing?


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