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Hello Jeff,

Am 12.07.2024 um 19:54 schrieb Jeff Crosby <jlcrosby@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:


I presume "Shaik" is not a native English speaker.

It's a nuisance that support people often don't understand the culprit. Not because they're dumb but because of "language gap". But the underlying problem is that those "front row indians" are much cheaper than support staff in the US. More money left for the shareholders, and customers have bought the product already anyway…

Don't get me wrong, I'm not racist. But people in jobs needing to communicate with cutomers should have a thorough understanding of the language in which they're supposed to listen and talk. And this is IMO not a fault of those people.

(Not too long ago I confused deduced with deducted…)

:wq! PoC

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