× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I was given an off-List suggestion to set up something locally, that would return the same data stream as the web service.

I did this by setting up a "canned" version of the response, as a static page on a Tomcat server that runs locally (VERY locally: the same box).

And I don't get the malfunction at all.

The only difference is that with the real web service, I'm giving http_url_get_raw a URL that's well over 100 characters long, while with the fake web service, I'm giving http_url_get_raw a URL of ''

Further experimentation in a browser told me that I could tack on parameters to the URL, and it would still return my canned response. So I put the parameters back in. Still no malfunction.

But it malfunctions with the real web service call.

I'm beginning to wonder if the problem is protracted HTTPS negotiations: on *our own* web services, I had to open a separate port, restricted to the office IP address, that would tolerate ciphers that a V6 box could handle. And I was surprised that the Google geocoding service was tolerating the V6 box's ciphers. Could this be stretching out the HTTPS negotiations? Could protracted HTTPS negotiations be what's causing wonky memory allocations in HTTPAPI?


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