× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

On 7/3/24 10:55 AM, Mark Waterbury wrote:

Not being a big user of environment variables on Midrange boxes (I have only the vaguest memory of any previous Midrange usage), I put off following Mark's link, and then, once I'd skimmed over it enough to realize how to use the
"Debug memory manager," I put off acting on it a bit longer.

Eventually, I found WRKENVVAR, and created a QIBM_MALLOC_TYPE envvar, set to 'DEBUG.'

The malfunction didn't happen. At all.

I then tried again, setting it to 'QUICKPOOL.' Again, no malfunction.

I then tried again, setting it to 'DEFAULT.' Still no malfunction.

I even set it to 'FOOBAR,' and then deleted it entirely. Still no malfunction.

It seems that as long as QIBM_MALLOC_TYPE *exists* for a job, and *has at some time had a non-null value* in that job, the malfunction does not occur. But if, within the context of a given job, it has never existed with a non-null value, then the malfunction occurs.

This is weird. Particularly given that the overwhelming majority of my HTTPAPI development takes place on this box, and it's never happened before this project. Does any of this make any sense to anybody else here?


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